Integrated modalities



The foundation of my practice is Person Centred Counselling. This is what gives a counsellor the tools to be non-judgmental, genuine, and empathic. These are not just skills the counsellor uses, but also qualities they possess. These qualities are nurtured through years of vigorous training and are what create a safe, supportive environment where you feel listened to, understood and accepted. Person Centred Counselling is based upon 3 main core-conditions 1. Empathy 2. Congruence and 3. Unconditional Positive Regard. These conditions are present in the counsellor and create the space for growth in the client. This space allows to feel accepted enough to explore your thoughts and feelings freely, reaching greater levels of self - awareness. Additional qualities of a Person Centred Counsellor include a high level of self-awareness, compassion, and the ability to connect deeply. We do not judge the behaviour of a person, we see the the human being underneath, this is a quality held dearly to us.

“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself exactly as I am, I can change”

Carl Rogers - American psychologist, Person centred therapy

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

NLP is a dynamic coaching model with therapeutic applications. Using open questioning techniques, it enables you to gain an understanding of the core values, beliefs, attitudes and emotions that drive you. This leads to a high level of self-awareness. Knowing your core values (what’s important to you on the deepest level) is knowing what ‘lights you up’, this is creates clarity motivation. With this knowledge you can start to set exciting goals and achieve them. The way NLP approaches therapy is by helping you to set values - based goals, then removing the blocks. These blocks come in the form of unconscious limiting beliefs and negative emotions. NLP also teaches skills such as effective communication, conflict resolution and modelling success. One of the main skills that can be learnt through NLP is controlling and directing your focus, which in a world full of distractions is key. This mastery of attention is one of the skills that NLP advocates consider to be responsible for success; and it’s a skill anybody can learn. The concepts and tools in NLP equip you for success in any area of your life.

“Where focus goes energy flows”

Tony Robbins,

Self-Reintegration Therapy (SRT)

SRT is a solution focused therapy that resolves mental health problems at the root cause level by changing the negative emotions, beliefs and behaviours that underpin them. These emotions, beliefs and coping strategies are formed in childhood and become unconscious, running our lives and distorting our perception. SRT releases negative emotions, beliefs and behaviours in the unconscious mind AND gives you tools to create new healthy habits (making it a deeper alternative to CBT, which does not work with the unconscious mind) The main principle of SRT is releasing the trauma that underpins your false self-concept (who you have learnt be), reconnecting you to your true self (who you really are). In the process of doing this we ‘re-integrate’ the parts of ourselves we had become disconnected from. The deep relaxation, self-awareness and healing tools in Self-Reintegration Therapy can help you create inner peace, self worth, confidence and fulfillment.

“There is nothing more life enhancing than the journey of personal growth”

Phil Smith, therapist, Self-reintegration